
Photo Gallery of Tropical Home Garden For A Hot Style (22 of 26)

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After you can feel the relaxing ambiance when you go with tropical homes design, you can carry a hot style in the house exterior by using the tropical home garden. Avoid the English cottage or farmhouse garden design if you want to carry casual and airy feeling in the house. It can be a nice retreat for the whole family when they spend the time in outdoor backyard. Tropical garden is easy to apply because you do not need to think about the formality air at home. The greeneries and flower to plant on the garden bed are various.

You just have to choose the colorful tropical plants that you can shop on the nearest garden stores in town. Get the inspiration from the flower, decoration, frame, and furniture from some tropical countries in the world such as Indonesia, Caribbean, Bahamas, Brazil and Philippines. The garden bed can be set in the middle of your tropical home garden. You can fill it with fruit plants such as orange, lemon or apples. If you want to make it airy, you can plant coconut or palm. They can bring a good shelter in the house.

What about the feature the tropical garden? You can install a simple pavilion in the garden that you can use to gather with family. You can have a late night party here. A hut is also a good staying area for the people who have a small backyard. It can be made from wood or bamboo. Another feature that makes you feel fresh is a pool. If your space is small, you can skip the pool and replace it with simple tropical waterscapes. It can be filled with fish and floating flowers. It can serve as the focal point in the garden. A pond filled with fish is nice to enjoy. The trickling water around the backyard makes your tropical home garden perfect.

Green leaves on the trees and the black and white stones must make eyes cool and brings a distinct impression. You can also have a tropical gardenwith lush plants and presentable. And for that, you can create it yourself.

It is just that sometimes we do not understand where to start whether buying or setting up the first cropland. Well, arrange a tropical garden with gardening in such a way as to establish the truth of nature.

For that, we first have to establish a pattern of land or land we want. Form the rolling hills around the corner fence or wall to provide a focus or point of view (center point) of the overall that will shape our garden. Roll out the remaining soil and make the slope toward the water dumps. Rainwater does not stagnate make in one place.

After that, then we specify the crops to be planted that we want to placed in our beautiful minimalist tropical garden. It should be noted, the type and nature of the plants that we buy. There are plants that grow vertically kind and nature but some are growing can be organized into a group. In addition, there is a kind of grass plants. Moreover, do not forget the flowers of any color and can be set up to make the composition more beautiful garden again. Here are the steps that you can follow to construct the plant.

You can plant tall plants/vertical at the very back and top soil. For example, you can choose the type of Pinang (red, green, yellow, pine, and others). The following benefit is a plant that grows can be arranged. For example, crop plants (green or yellow) and other shelled. The next crop is short crops such as Lilly Paris, Sianto or types of grasses such as purslane.

Last stacking rocks. If funding allows, combine it with an indoor water park. In addition, keep in mind, the combination of plants can be increased to four or five plant arrangement. Importantly, remember the low and high order plants to make beautiful tropical garden.