2017 Stunning Tropical Kitchen Design with Wood Furniture

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Transforming your house into a tropical paradise doesn't have to be a daunting task. By carefully selecting the right plants and furniture, you can create a vibrant and relaxing atmosphere reminiscent of a luxurious resort. In this article, we will explore various tips and ideas to help you infuse your home with tropical charm.

1.Enhancing the Living Room

To start, choose the right plants to adorn your living room. A potted palm tree can effortlessly add a touch of greenery and become a focal point of your decor. Consider placing it in a corner to create a visually appealing arrangement. Additionally, for a burst of color, adorn your window sills with potted flowers in a variety of hues.

2.Revamping Furniture and Fixtures

Incorporate a casual and alluring ambiance into your living room by opting for furniture with a tropical aesthetic. Wicker or rattan-based furniture is an excellent choice, as it exudes a laid-back charm. To complement this style, consider using benches instead of traditional dining chairs for your dining room.

3.Illuminating With Simple Elegance

Lighting plays a crucial role in establishing the tropical ambiance of your home. Opt for simple fixtures with metal frames to add a touch of elegance. These fixtures will not only provide ample illumination but also contribute to the overall tropical aesthetic.

4.Creating Outdoor Delight

Extend the tropical paradise to your outdoor spaces as well. Consider incorporating a water feature, such as a fountain, waterfall, or pond, in your garden. If space permits, you can even install a pool, adding an extra element of relaxation and resort-like luxury.

5.Poolside Comfort and Relaxation

A pool area can serve as a private oasis in your own home. Surround it with comfortable furniture chairs to create a relaxing space for leisurely moments. Don't forget to provide shade by adding an umbrella, protecting yourself from the sun's harsh rays. To prevent water from accumulating, place outdoor mats around the pool and garden area while keeping them in line with the tropical design motif.

Feel the relaxing ambiance when you go with tropical homes design. Tropical home is always associated with house located on the beach. You can get the inspiration from the tropical home garden when decorating the living room, bedroom or even kitchen.

With a few carefully chosen plants, furniture pieces, lighting fixtures, and outdoor accents, you can effortlessly transform your home into a tropical haven. Embrace the lush greenery, vibrant colors, and relaxing atmosphere associated with tropical destinations like Bali or the Bahamas. So, go ahead and embark on this exciting journey to create your own personal paradise right at home.