
Photo Gallery of Victorian Decor Style For Comfortable Bedroom (16 of 19)

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With Victorian living room decor your room will look romantic and nice, and also you can apply Victorian style in your bedroom. Victorian decorcan increase the comfort in the room even though you will find busy pattern.

A bedroom is your haven. You need to make it comfortable without eliminating the beauty and sexy look in the room. You can choose a wonderful bed frame located in the middle of the bedroom. It is used as the focal point.

When you step your feet inside the bedroom, the first thing that you see is the bed frame. Pick a bed frame made from thick hardwood.

It can feature a canopy bed. You can skip wooden bed if you want to enjoy sleek and old fashioned bed frame. You can go with black wrought iron material. It is perfect for the people who want to enjoy romantic pattern on the headboard and footboard.

The people who like with wooden bed frame can choose the one with four poster design. It can feature an intricate headboard in king or queen size. Victorian decor ideas enable you to go with this striking color and busy pattern. You can select bedding in floral or fleur de lis pattern. It can come in wine red or royal blue color.

The wrought iron lamp located on the corner area is another focal statement in the Victorian bedroom. It can be used as the decorative accent. Unlike the modern bedroom design which forbids the decorative pieces, you need to fill the Victorian bedroom with a lot of knick knacks for decorative function. Even though certain furniture is not functional, it is okay for you to keep it inside the bedroom.

The picture framed in the Victorian decor should come in sparkling effect. They can be decorated with metal accent in gold or silver. You can grace the bare wall in Victorian decor ideas with a picture of medieval era.