Decorative Victorian Living Room Curtains

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Nowadays, curtains aren’t only to cover the window and block the sun’s light. However, curtains are also able to create an impression of room’s aesthetic that makes the interior look more attractive. Curtains also can be used as ornaments or sweetener on the interior of the house, especially living room.

Interior curtains in the living room is the part that can make that room looks more beautiful. Victorian living room design is one of luxury living room design. For Victorian living room style we can’t choose any colors because it can affect the picture of luxury becomes common living room.

Most of Victorian living room has larger windows size than another living room style , so that their curtains consist of two part curtains in one window, left side and right side. If the curtains are in open condition, it will form a field with a view like a house which uses a triangular roof style.

For some Victorian living room curtains they usually use two kinds of fabrics, heavy curtains layered over frilly white net fabrics, all finished off with a massive curtain rod, and elaborate tasseled tie backs. And on the top of the curtains are also given an ornament, like a pile or an arrangement of fabrics with curved shape and wavy. This arrangement is sometimes given again with a lace.

But in fact, those arrangement not only a design or a tile, but there is a reason behind that arrangement. They valued their privacy more than they valued any views and wished to exclude the outside world from the cozy domestic space. Victorian living room design usually use brown color as an option. This color becomes characteristic of Victorian living room with classic style that is simple yet elegant.