Soft Palette of Sage Green Vintage Vanity for Modern Bathroom Decoration

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Talking about furniture, there are so many kind of furniture in our house. But, do you know about ‘vanity’? Actually, many modern house use vanity in their bathroom, but people might not know about it. Vanity is a name of kind furniture that placed in the bathroom. It has a form like a table with a mirror and cupboard on it. It is multifunction furniture; it can be as a dressing table, a sink, and a place for save the toiletries, such as toothpaste, tooth brush and wipes. We can choose vanity that match with our taste; it can be the modern one or the vintage/classic one. But, how about having vintage bathroom vanities in the modern era?

Vintage style is popular in nowadays interior design. Many people love to use this style to make their house look classic. People who like vintage style, they love something that look old and say that vintage style is something classy. Even though, we are already in the modern era, they will put any vintage furniture in their house. They will put a set of vintage furniture in the dining room, living room, even bathroom. Just like use the vintage vanity in the bathroom. They will put the ‘vintage feels’ until their private room in their house for support the classic feels.

In designing our house, we can put everything that match with our style in our own house. Just like using the vintage style in our house. Vintage does not mean bad, because it will make our house look classic, antique and classy. We can put the vintage furniture in every corner and every room. Of course we can use a vintage vanity in our bathroom to support the vintage feels in our house. We can use our creativity in designing and making our house becomes a nice house. So, there is nothing wrong when we decide to put vintage vanities in our bathroom in this modern era.