Material of the Larson Storm Windows

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The Larson storm windows are basically specific window products from the Larson Company. This is one of the many options of window products to choose with of course benefits among the others. The windows from Larson are all having Low-E glass option providing better saving. The Low-E glass offers up to 60% insulating value better than other products. The windows are also easy to be installed to fit in any places.

There are three available series of the Larson storm windows which are the bronze, silver, and gold series. Bronze series is the lowest option available with still better quality than other standards window products. There are 3 models and colors options available on this series. The medium option is the silver series offering more strength, durability, and comfort. There are 3 models and 2 colors available on this series. The silver series could deal with wind speed up to 80 mph.

The best option of the Larson storm windows is the gold series with the capability of defending against wind having up to 95 mph of speed. Extra tight fittings, ultimate thermal protection, and increased durability are the features offered by the premium series.