2017 Chic Contemporary Small Bathroom

Photo Gallery of 5 Incredible Ideas For Small Bathrooms (2 of 14)

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Having a small bathroom can be a real pain. A lot of time and effort is required to arrange such space and in some cases, even after everything has been done, you still might feel underwhelmed with the results.

Simply put, it is really hard to create functional space that is also trendy. There is too much things to account for. But, do not fear! We have a solution. Check these 5 incredible ideas that will surely help you out!

1. Start with demolition

Oftentimes there is no other way to approach the issue besides completely changing the layout and the size of the room. You can always start the makeover by demolishing a few walls and increasing the space. As mentioned, there are only a limited number of things we can do with such a room. Even though this is a drastic measure and it can cost helluva lot, it is still the best way to approach the issue.

2. Removing excess things

Different people have different views when it comes to bathrooms. A lot of us use it for putting makeup or for storing drugs. This is really funny given that bath is not ideal the option for either one of these things. Instead of storing drugs in bedroom, we put them in bathroom which is really humid and can affect chemicals within them. As for the makeup, it is much more practical to use it someplace else. So, make sure to remove all the excess things and place them elsewhere. Small bathroom should be exclusively used for hygienic needs.

3. Utilize corners

Every part of the bathroom should be utilized. You shouldn’t be picky! However, the trick is to mask this. By filling the corners, you will definitely be able to add some more stuff to a bath. At the same time, this can have a disastrous impact on the way it looks. Good idea is to add shelves and hooks. Try putting a lot of things on the walls. Nevertheless, they shouldn’t affect your movement. There is no point in having extra shelves if you are going to bump into them all the time. Good idea is to position shelves above your head. Here, you can put items which you occasionally use, such as spare towels or paper rolls.

4. Use mirror as the centerpiece

Every room needs a centerpiece. In most cases, piece of art or furniture will do the trick. When it comes to bathroom, it is best if you focus on the mirror. Now, you probably wonder, how will a mirror help me with lack of space? It won’t. But, it will make the space more enjoyable making your guests (and you) feel at ease. It is a small design trick which is especially important for small bathroom as it averts attention from the real problem. Nevertheless, make sure to get a smaller mirror. If you use an item that is not proportional to the room, lack of space will become more obvious.

5. Sliding doors

There are a several reasons why you should get sliding doors. First and foremost, they will allow you to easily enter a bathroom. If it is really crowded and you have towel hooks and shelves, it might cause a problem. In other words, you might bump into stuff or knock down the towels. Sliding doors make everything easier in that regard.  At the same time, the fact that the doors are opening inwards may cause an issue when planning your interior design.

These simple tricks will do a lot for your bathroom. Some of them are drastic and can be quite expensive however; they are the best solutions. Anyway, if you do not have the needed funds, you can always opt for a smaller fix.

About the author: Nick Stoyanov is a copywriter and content strategist at For Pumps – Australia’s largest online pump store. 4 Pumps is an Australian company that focuses on the national distribution of its comprehensive range of quality pumping products.