DIY Minimalist Bathroom Mirror

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Mirror can be a simple object but only few people realize that it is a great asset to upgrade the decoration of a house. Most of the time, people only hang the mirrors without paying much attention on how to use it as a factor to improve the interior of the house. In other words, people only look at its basic function. Mirror itself can be found in many places inside a house but one most common place that is usually found a mirror is in a bathroom. For those who have small-size of bathroom, the use of mirrors can effectively enlarge the space. Not to mention that homeowners can magically change mirror with its basic function as a piece of art in a bathroom. And here we go, few ideas of mirror design for bathroom that can be done by yourself.

Chrysanthemum Mirror

The first DIY mirror for bathroom is originally made by Addicted2Decorating. Going out from the box by not having a common shape of bathroom mirror makes this design surely attracts many people. Shaping like a chrysanthemum flowers, you can get this mirror by having two MDF wreath forms (18 and 12 inch) and attach them using glue. Covered the gap of the wreath forms by thick paper covered with glue. Go get as many as plastic spoon you can get and cut the handles. Attach the spoons with the glue and keep layering the spoon. When all the spoons are attached, paint them with darker color in inside layer and keep going lighter to the outer layer. Then, attach the round mirror to the back with a hot glue.

Wood Rounds

The idea from That’s My Letter is impressively effective to upgrade the look of the bathroom. Go get a circular mirror and a plywood to trace the edge of mirror. So, put the mirror onto the plywood and add 3.5 inch all around and cut it. Attach cleat at the back and cut wood slices from branches. It will be better if you can get different size. Prime and paint the outer wood and attach it to the plywood with a glue. Put glue all around in the middle and place the mirror there. Wait until it is dry and hang it on the wall.

These are two DIY mirror for bathroom that can give an inspiration for upgrading your bathroom look. So, be creative.