Minimalist Bathroom Medicine Cabinet

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One of the most important storage for your home is a medicine cabinet. You can put this kind of cabinet in your bathroom or private bedroom, or maybe the nearest and safest place but the point is this cabinet is so important for all your healthy needs. So maybe you want to know what the kind of must have items you should need for home medicine cabinet? Here they are:

Painkillers and fever-reducing medicine are one of the must-have items for your home medicine cabinets. Paracetamol, ibuprofen and other fever medicines are the best recommendation, it will fastly help you if you feel bad, ill or almost fever. Beside relieve pain and reduce fever, Paracetamol is the safest, so maybe you can have many medicine collections about it. For more painkiller effect, Ibuprofen can be the best second choice.

And thermometer a real-must have item! When you hesitate to go to doctor or feel instantly bad about your condition, by use this thermometer you can analyze your own self. Digital thermometers are the most accurate, and if you have kids, it will make you know easier about his/her condition before decide to go to doctor.

Besides thermometer, painkiller and fever medicines, note for these stuffs like anti-itch medication, anti-acid medication, menstrual pain medicine and tooth-ache medicines. Always remember to restock those stuffs, check if there are some medicines with expired date or old package. And don’t forget to store them in a cool, dark and dry place in your best room.

What about the cabinet itself? Well now so many choices about types of home medicine cabinet. From a mirrored one to the medicine cabinet with many drawers and unique interior. A mirrored medicine cabinet can be the best recommendation where you can keep your vanity as well groomed as you are, with so many storage drawers inside the cabinet. What about the idea of paint the cabinet? It’s a great idea too. If you decide to paint the cabinet, consider to use a kind of wood with an even grain, like oak or cherry, the color choices are up to your taste, but make the best color that suitable with your whole bathroom interior.