Victorian Kitchen Lighting Ideas with Coffee Table

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Lately, Victorians kitchen design are revisited and become a popular style which is bright and functional as well as warm and welcoming. It is easy to find a modern home have a Victorian kitchen island design. So, we will tell you some ways to create a Victorian kitchen island style for your lovely home.

First , Appliance , maybe that is not a simple matter when you want to change a modern kitchen into Victorian kitchen , because we all know that modern homes indeed often have a modern kitchen too. How can you make any space feel authentically aged when modern appliances dominate the scene ? The best answer is “to change the look of any kitchen is by changing the appliances”. You don’t have to change your entire stove to look antiques as well. Many modern day cast iron stoves builds modern day luxuries and amenities, so you still have the look and feel of the old world cast iron stove without all the cast iron cooking difficulties and troubles.

Second, Flooring, back to the Victorian era, ceramic tiles were becoming one of the most popular flooring materials for the kitchen. And the other popular materials for flooring of Victorian kitchen are wooden floor. While marble was reserved for the most expensive of kitchens and was a luxury few could afford.

Third, Silver, silver was a common feature in any Victorian household. Whether it was plated on serving trays, gilded on eating utensils or covering candlesticks. If you are going for silver serving wares on a budget, buy replica silver, because as you know, nowadays, many authentic Victorian silver kitchen pieces might end up costing you a pretty penny.

Forth, Cabinets, Victorian cabinetry is extensive and molding. New cabinets can cost a lot of money, but it’s not always and option for kitchen renovation or remodel. Beside cabinets, changing hardware and using new marble or granite countertops can give you a little help to bring about a major style change in the kitchen without really having to change much cabinetry at all.

Fifth, Moldings, wood moldings were not only a beautiful addition to the space; they also were a functional addition for the kitchen. The good news about molding is that it’s relatively easy and can be done by homeowners themselves, helping them to save money on their kitchen renovation project.

Sixth, Colors, Victorian kitchen is using natural light from window or doors. That meant that it was dark and dim when the sun was not shinning so brightly. To deal with this problem, homeowner would paint the spaces all white because bright colors helped to create more open feel in the space as well as denote cleanliness in the Victorian kitchen.

And the last but not least, Window treatments, windows in the kitchen not only helping to light space but also to help keep it well ventilated. Light and airy curtains were a Victorian staple to help dress window openings without lowering daylight lumens and darkening the kitchen in the process.